A Mon Ami Pierre is not a designer I had heard of in the past but while looking for something else, I found two of her designs I liked so went in search of them. Turns out she is no longer designing but since BOTH of the charts were offered as freebies on her site at one time, I sent in search of them. I really wanted to stitch the songbird one although that is not its name.

Her website is not longer available so I checked the WayBack Machine which has come to my rescue in the past. Lo and behold, they were still available there.
Songbird Needlecase the floss colors for this one are actually Vicki Clayton silks which no longer exist so you will need to figure out your own colors. Once I decide which of the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe floss colors I am going to use, I will post them.
I’m sorry she is no longer designing as her charts are truly lovely. A beautiful collection of some of these designs can be found on Just Carol.
I stitched this on a piece of 16ct aida I had in my stash.
- Grape Vine/VMSS Pioneer Stitcher
- Kat’s Meow/VMSS Antique Embrodiery
- Earth Stars/VMSS Frog Prince
- Winterberry/VMSS Auntie’s Quilt
- Enchanted Rose/VMSS Dusty Mauve
- Bitter Bloom/VMSS Primitive Taupe
- Fagale/VMSS Antique Embrodiery
- Garnet/VMSS Southern Red Trillium
- Imperial Green/VMSS Stitching Together
After I finished stitching them, I sent them off to Vonna Pfeiffer, The Twisted Stitcher for finishing. They are now on their way back to me. I LOVE them.

Thank you for these links!!!
Pat, thank you for sharing the links to both of these beautiful complimentary designs. She stopped designing due to the illegal pirating of her charts. A number of people were posting her entire charts (the ones for purchase) up on the internet so others could download them.
Hope you are enjoying your fall!
I had never heard of her before and was sad to see that she was no longer designing. It disgusts me when I look on Pinterest and see all of the charts that are posted there by stitchers who should know better. She had some other designs that I would love to be able to stitch. Some were listed as free but I was not able to locate them. And the sad thing is that no one seems interested or willing to take down the sites that post the complete charts.
Hi Pat,
I have quite a few AMAP free charts, so if there is anything you are looking for in particular, let me know and I’ll send them to you.
Thank you for these links Pat, they are delightful. The songbird needle case is beautiful, do you know what the blue fabrics are please, they are simply gorgeous…I’m thinking they look a little like 3 Sisters fabrics x
Unfortunately I do not. I agree they are beautiful.