Wreathes are not only beautiful ornaments, but are very symbolic and soothing. Mine is no exception. According to romantic victorians, the Christmas Rose symbolized tranquility, Spruce wished for Hope and the Poinsettia, through its legend, is a reminder of unselfish love. Religiously speaking, a rose is the flower of Mary, while evergreens symbolize everlasting life, and the Poinsettia is a reminder of the flaming Star of Bethlehem. I rather like the first which brings wishes of peace, hope, and love. ~ Sue Lentz ~

Floral Wreath
Quite some time ago, I purchased a chart Floral Christmas Wreath from Sue Lentz Needlework, an on-line company that has since gone out of business. It is a stunning piece and except for a large amount of back stitching (with gold floss) is finished. Because gold floss is hard to work with – at least for me – I pushed it to the back of a drawer to be forgotten.
Fast forward to January 2020. I finally sold this piece and the chart and instructions to someone who was willing to finish it and enjoy it. So glad it found a home even if it was not with me.