Autumn Sound is one of the designs included in the book, Winds of Autumn by Blackbird Designs. Stitching this one is my second foray into using linen to stitch on. I was given a yard of 28ct Cashel linen in antique ivory and decided I needed to at least try it. My 16ct aida is much easier to grid but this looks so pretty.

I started this one on March 3rd and right away had to frog the bird. Gentle Arts and Weeks Dye Works both have a floss called Deep Sea but they are NOT the same color. I wondered why my bird was not a blue blue. Once the frogging was done and the correct floss pulled, it proved to be a quick stitch as I finished it on March 6, 2022.

I am very happy with the project and ready to try a larger piece on linen, one of the BBD samplers, I think.
June 2022 – I decided to try and finish this piece as a drum. Vonna Epperson Pfeiffer has an excellent tutorial on drum finishing in the Summer 2022 issue of Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher magazine as well as a video tutorial. And Claudia Bourgeois gave me a tip of using foam core for the top and bottom which made it easier for me to pin those pieces to the drum body.

I still need to figure out how to keep the trim from raveling but maybe just run a needle and thread through the end. Anyway, I am happy with my first attempt and found two other stitched pieces in the drawer that I am going to try this finish on. I also ordered some felted acorns to perhaps dangle from the side.
What a beautiful bird finish, Pat! Darling!