What is a band sampler?
A Band sampler is a long narrow sampler, where designs are stitched in rows or bands across the width of the fabric. This type of sampler was popular in the 17th century. Some of my favorites to stitch are those done by Prairie Schooler. This particular sampler hangs in our kitchen. It is from the Summer Samplers Book 77. All of them were worked on 14 cont Fiddlers Lite and use the brass bell pull hardware available from Nordic Needle.
I’ve worked a number of these as gifts for family and friends but failed to take pictures of them which is my loss. The ones I have stitched include:
- Band Samplers – Book 40
- Garden Samplers – Book 45
- Garden Verses – Book 49
- Spring Samplers – Book 60
- Christmas Samplers – Book 63
- Summer Samplers – Book 77
Hi! Do you by any chance want to sell me a copy of your prairie schooler spring samplers #60? My mother wants it so badly and i would love to find it for her. Please e-mail me @ the above mail address. Thankyou so much!
I was wondering if you would like to sell Praire Schooler’s Book 63 Christmas Samplers. I would love to be able to stitch them. Please let me know. Thanks!
No, cause I will probably make at least a few of them again as gifts.
I am looking to purchase PS book #45. Do you have a copy of this for sale? If so, what is the price?
Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you.
Unfortunately, I do not sell the charts. These are in my personal collection and since they are probably out of print, I keep them to work as gifts. You might check directly with Prairie Schooler or ebay.
Hello, I was wondering if you happen to have the praire Schooler Garden Verses Book 49 for sale?, Can you please E-mail me or call 724-622-7910.
Thank you so much.
Jodi Musguire
None of the pattern books I have are for sale. Some of the Band Samplers are no longer in print but you may be able to find copies on EBay. Another place I can recommend is 123Stitch.com.
I can probably help Jodi Musguire out with the Garden Verses if she wants to contact me at hardman@utwire.net.