Patchwork Pumpkin and Bittersweet September were originally released as part of the Ladies Prim Society Club. They are being released as Reward of Merit patterns.
If you missed out on these from the Ladies Prim Society, call and reserve yours soon….limited release. GO TO DYEING TO STITCH. NOW! You can give them a call at 757-366-8740.
Patchwork Pumpkin was originally released as Bittersweet Lane and was the Ladies Prim Society release for 2014.
Bittersweet September was the Ladies Prim Society Release for 2013.
What is the Ladies Prim Society you ask? The Ladies Prim Society is an exclusive club through Dyeing To Stitch, featuring Blackbird Designs and Heartstrings Samplery. Every 8-10 weeks you will receive a complete kit including any finishing supplies needed. The kits to are priced between $35 and $40. Membership is closed for the 2015 calendar year BUT you can read more about the Ladies Prim Society and Dyeing to Stitch.
The third pattern being released is the start of a new series, the Garden Club.
In the next 12 months, our Garden Club series will reflect a cherished aspect of gardening. It might be a lovely basket of flowers, bees buzzing from flower to flower, or, like this month, an abundant harvest of cherries. In any case, you won’t have to worry about getting your hands dirty!
On the back cover, you will find our Basket of Cherries made up as a pincushion. But if you’d rather, you can wait and stitch all 12 projects into one large sampler.
One pattern will be released each month for a year. The picture above shows the front and back cover of the first pattern. All 12 pieces are stitched on 32ct. Weeks Dye Works linen. Each pattern uses a different color of linen. Basket of Cherries was stitched on 32ct. Cocoa. Each piece in the series is a 4" square. On the back of the pattern cover you can note the first three samplers of the series sewn together.
My plan is to stitch them all together as one piece. Two previous pieces offered in this manner (stitched on different fabrics then sewn together) were the Mystery Sampler (out of print) and Flea Market Souvenir (out of print).
You can read the full article with even more pictures on Barb and Alma’s blog, Blackbird Designs One Stitch at a Time.