I first saw Bristol Grace posted in a group as part of a discussion on Bristol Orphanage Samplers. I was intrigued with it and the monochromatic color scheme which appealed to me as well as the smaller size.

This sampler is in the style of the samplers stitched by the girls living in the Muller Orphan Homes in Bristol, England. It is not a reproduction of an original 1800’s sampler. All the alphabets and motifs in this design were stitched in orphan needlework. This design is a tribute to the intricate and amazing original Bristol samplers.
The stitch count for this sampler is 133w x 175h and the recommended fabric was 14ct or 28ct over 2. I chose to use 16ct antique white aida that I had in my stash. The recommended floss was Caron Wildflowers. I am going to use Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe floss Berry Wine which is a variegated cranberry color.
Dutch Treat Designs

Started Stitching: December 26, 2019

November 2020 This past week, I decided to go on a framing binge. I had four pieces I had stitched but not framed. Right now they are just pined and ready to go into the frames but I still need to order glass and spacers. I used a slightly different process this time so am including pictures of that process.
First I measure each piece and use a running stitch all the way around so that I have a line to follow since I cannot see the holes without using a magnifier. I pin each piece to the foam core on all four sides.

Once I am sure everything is even, I flip the piece and use stitchery tape to hold down the excess fabric and hand sew all four corners so they lay flat.

I then check to make sure all little pieces of thread or dog hair is removed from the front of the stitched piece.

Next I would assemble the entire project, glass, spacers, stitched piece and backing board. Since I am missing some of the supplies, the stitched piece is just sitting in the frame which is black.

Pat, you are off to a good start on this sampler. I am really intrigued by these Bristol Samplers and have Bristol Grace on my list. I look forward to seeing your progress on it.