Autumn is my very favorite time of the year. So when I saw October’s Party by Little House Needleworks posted in one of my Facebook groups, I knew I HAD to stitch it.

I selected a piece of 16ct aida I had in my stash. No idea of the color but it was a mottled light orange and tan with the called for floss colors.
Unfortunately, as I was stitching I made mistake in the placement of the verse but did not discover it until I had finished stitching the verse. I knew if I started frogging to fix said mistake, the whole thing would have ended up in the trash. So I just went on and made adjustment to the leaves on both sides.

I had purchased a pretty fabric with a leaf design that I plan on using to make either a flatfold or wall hanging or maybe a drum. We shall see.
I ended up ordering an inexpensive 8 1/2 x 11 black frame from Amazon for $15.99. I covered a piece of matboard with some pretty fabric I had that matched the colors. The frame is deep enough so as long as you use matboard for mounting instead of foam core, there is room for the glass and spacers and backing board.