Summer Shall not Fade was part of a retreat project (Spring Fling) offered by the ladies at Dyeing to Stitch and Blackbird Designs. I was not able to attend the Retreat but was given the opportunity to stitch one of the charts by a stitching friend. Donna Rae Barrow in the Fans of Blackbird Designs Facebook Group posted a picture of the finished piece framed in a bird frame she found at Michael’s. There was a mad dash to find the frame and I was lucky enough to purchase one on sale for half price. The chart needs to be stitched on 16/32ct to fit in the frame. You could of course use 18/36ct if you wanted a bit more space around the edges. I chose to use 16ct Hand Dyed Aida. Not sure of the color right now but will add it when I find my notes.
Summer Garden for Ladies Prim Society
The second kit for Ladies Prim Society members for 2016 is called Summer Garden by Blackbird Designs.
The kit includes everything you need to stitch the threadkeep. Because I do not like to stitch using linen, I chose a piece of 32ct mystery fabric I had in my stash. I am also stitching 2 over 2 rather than the recommended one over one.
Started stitching August 12, 2016.
And there are three tiny butterflies stitched one over one.
And my progress as of August 16, 2016
And the finished piece – stitching that is.
And here is the finished piece from Vonna Pfeiffer’s The Twisted Stitcher’s Finishing Service.
Never Far Apart by Blackbird Designs
I really never thought I would like to stitch any of the stockings series but I am finding out I was wrong. I had seen pictures posted of Never Far Apart with was issued as a Limited Edition and decided I would like to stitch this one. Unfortunately, this one was OOP as are many of the ones I have fallen in love with. Another generous stitcher loaned it to me.
This limited edition tin from Blackbird Designs includes everything needed to make this adorable 4 x 8 mini-stocking celebrating friendship. It is stitched on 32ct hand-dyed linen with Gentle Art’s Chives, Old Brick, Woodrose, Endive, Apple Cider, Brandy and Raspberry Parfait. The sampler design features two houses connected with a friendship pathway. This is a complete LIMITED EDITION kit which includes the chart, linen, stocking lining fabric and hand-dyed flosses. Comes packed in a little round tin.
I am stitching the little stocking on 16 cream Aida with the recommended threads. Started June 30, 2016.
Finished July 8, 2016
Now to decide if I want to attempt finishing it myself or send it off to someone who knows what they are doing.
And the little stocking has been finished. Thank you Joy of Finely Finished for the nice job.
Friends With You from My Heart is True
My Heart is True is a 32 page book by Blackbird Designs and Nicoletta Farrauto. The book has 9 projects to make and give (or keep) as gifts.
I was really only interested in stitching one of the projects, Friends With You Project book. Rather than stitch it as a project book, I chose to stitch it on 16ct cream Aida to finish as two small pillows for my long basket. The project book is pictured below.
I had purchased a set of floss from the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe called Picket Fence Collection (pictured below) and decided to use these to stitch with. This was my first time of really changing all the colors suggested by the designer.
Part 2 – Stitch Count 75w x 90h. I started stitching this on Jun 13, 2016 and finished on June 20, 2016. For the most part this was stitched while my husband was in the hospital. Colors Used include: VM Dried Purple Plums, Carries Creation Blueberry, Crescent Colors Peanut Brittle, Crescent Colors Pea Pod, and
Part 1 – Stitch Count 77wx 91h Colors Used include VM Garden Phlox, VM Garden Ivy, VM Garden Mint, VM Cherry Blossom, Antique Violets, VM Rose Bushy, Crescent Colors, Peanut Brittle.
And the finished pieces. Thank you Joy of Finely Finished for the beautiful job you did on my stitched pieces.
A Bunch of Smalls
A few months ago I saw a beautiful basket display posted in the Dyeing to Stitch Facebook group. It was the Primitive Handwoven Long & Skinny Basket from 1803 Ohio Farm Baskets filled with small pillow finishes. I knew it was something I really wanted to display the small pillow type finishes I was planning on stitching. I ordered it and it finally arrived. After unpacking it and placing it on top of the piano, I began to fill it with a couple of the small designs that had already been finished.
I’ll take some pictures as I progress with filling it. The next one I am stitching if Bluebird by Blackbird Designs. My progress so far.
Bluebird finished stitching 4/22/2016. I stitched a backing for this with my maternal grandmother’s name and her birthdate.
And beautifully finished as a small pillow by Tammie Latimer.
Rose Garden
And the next one is Rose Garden, another small by Blackbird Designs. This one will be in honor of my mother. I am stitching this one on 14ct Rose Fiddlers Aida with Gentle Arts Jakey Brown. Started stitching April 22, 2016
Finished stitching April 28, 2016. I added my mother’s initials and her date of birth. Mom loved roses so this was the perfect one to stitch in her honor.
And beautifully finished as a small pillow by Tammie Latimer.
Peace Rose
Peace Rose is another of the Reward of Merit Pinkeep series. I stitched this one in memory of my paternal grandmother, Sammie Lipscomb Bayless with her initials and year of birth. It was stitched on a piece of 16ct mystery color Aida I had in my stash. I used the recommended threads. Started stitching May 6th and completed on May 10th.
And Peace Rose finished as a small pillow in honor of my paternal grandmother Sammie Bayless. Thanks Joy of Finely Finished for the beautiful job of finishing this small projects.
And look at the basket now!
Such Friendship by AnnieBeezFolkArt
I cannot remember where I first saw this piece but decided I wanted to stitch this for two of my friends. It comes as an instant download pdf which you can then print. Buy Such Friendship.
Stitch count: 78W X 82H
The model is stitched on 32ct. Flax Belfast Linen using a variety of sampler threads over 2 linen threads. 2 specialty stitches are featured with easy to follow stitch diagrams.
I don’t stitch on linen so selected a piece of green Aida from my stash and used the called for threads.
After I completed the stitching I stuck the piece in a drawer because I was not sure how I wanted to finish it. Fast forward to March 2016 and I decided to try a new finisher Vonna Pfeiffer – The Twisted Stitcher. I had three projects I wanted her to finish. After a few back and forth emails, I mailed them off to her. More back and forth as we discussed her suggestions.
I had first thought to have Such Friendship finished as a cube but Vonna suggested I try a flatfold. I am so glad I did. Below you can see the front and side view of the piece after she worked her magic.
I can’t wait to get these back from her. They should arrive sometime next week. Now I am ready to stitch a second one for another friend.
In Friendship’s Way by Blackbird Designs
Last year’s Nashville Market (2015) included the book In Friendship’s Way which included a number of delightful designs by Barb Adams and Alma Allen, the two ladies who make up Blackbird Designs. There were several designs in the book I wanted to stitch so I ordered the floss for stitching:
- Honeycomb Basket
- Welcome Dear August
- The Winter is Past
- Button Box
I even ordered the boxes for finishing a couple of the designs and another stitcher sent me the baskets needed for completing Honeycomb Basket.
Fast forward a year and I am now getting ready to stitch some smaller projects so picked up this book and the floss.
First one I will be stitching is Welcome Dear August in memory of my Daddy, Adrian Lee Little. I’ll substitute Adrian for August and add his birthdate. I’m going to finish it as a small memory rather than the box pictured on the front of the book.
And my progress as of today March 25th 2016.
Finished stitching Welcome Dear August on March 30, 2016
Welcome Dear August finished as a small pillow.
And from the same book, The Winter is Past
Started stitching March 31, 2016 and finished April 6, 2016. I made some minor changes filling in the top left side border and using the alphabet and numbers for Welcome Dear August to add my husband’s mothers name and birthdate.
Winter is past finished as a small pillow.
Handprint on My Heart by Heartstring Samplery
Handprint on My Heart by Heartstring Samplery was first released as a kit as part of the Ladies Prim Society. It has now been released as a chart and available to everyone. The verse reads “You’ll always be with me, like a handprint on my heart.”
I decided I would like to stitch this in memory of my oldest son who had died just after his 50th birthday. I had a piece of light blue Aida which I decided to use and the floss I used was Seafoam from Victorian Motto Samplers. The back of the piece has his initials and the year he was born.
I was very happy with how the finished piece turned out and have sent it off to have it finished as a small pillow. I think I will be a memory basket of small pillow type finishes for folks I love and miss.
I decided to send these off to The Twisted Stitcher (Vonna Pfeiffer) for finishing and look what she did. I LOVE THEM!!
Merry One & Merry Two by Plum Street Samplers
Merry One is the first of a new series Serial Bowl Full of Merries by Plum Street Samplers. It is a Limited Edition kit and now Sold Out. The kits each include chart, stitching and finishing instructions, hand dyed cotton floss and trim. I don’t like to buy kits because most kits use linen and I don’t stitch on linen. I was lucky enough to snag just the chart on Stash Unload. I’m trying to stick with smaller projects until the first of the year when I will start two Blackbird Design Stitch-a-Longs so this was perfect for me.
I selected a piece of 16ct Wren by Picture This Plus and a combination of threads, some over-dyed some DMC.
The second one in this series has been released, Merry Two which features Santa holding branches of berries talking to a snowman, his team of reindeer are behind him, and his sleigh is filled with a decorated tree. I was lucky enough to find someone who is willing to trade with me so I can stitch both designs.
According to Traditional Stitches, “We have heard that Merry One will be released as a chart sometime in 2016, which is great news as you can still collect the complete series of designs.”
Started stitching Merry One December 15, 2015and finished December 21, 2015.
Because I did not have all of the called for threads in my stash, I used the following colors:
- DMC 3857
- DMC 632
- DMC 822
- Classic Colorworks Weeping Willow
- Classic Colorworks Cocoa Bean
- DMC 3790
Paulette has confirmed that she will release Merry One as a reprint- chart only, no threads, sometime early this year. (Possibly Nashville Market which is held in March)
I decided to send this off to The Twisted Stitcher (Vonna Pfeiffer) for finishing and look what she did. I LOVE IT!
Progress on Merry Two is shown below. All I have left to add is all of the snowflakes.
It is now January 5, 2023, and I have now fully finished Merry Two. I found a book box at Michaels on sale for 70% off so bought one for only $5.99. Mounted the stitched piece to a piece of matboard with two layers of batting. I may decide to add some twisted cording but for now it is finished.

Lovebird by Just Another Button Company
I recently participated in a Giveaway on the 123Stitch Message Board and the prize was the chart Lovebird by Just Another Button Company. Once I complete stitching it, I will pass it along to the next stitcher.
Since I was placing an order with, I decided to go ahead and order the buttons since the giveaway was for the chart only.
The buttons needed to complete the chart are:
1 Black Heart – 3438X – $1.40
1 Large Red & White Checked Heart – 3368L – $2.00
1 Black Ken – 3354 – $1.40
1 Tiny Black Cherry Heart – 3446T – $1.40
1 Rosy Red Heart – 3521 – $1.80
I’ll be using DMC floss rather than the specified Weeks Dye Works floss and 28 ct white Jobelan over 2.
I’ll be taking this to the beach next week to stitch.
Here it is, all kitted up and ready to start stitching. Only two of the buttons arrived. Rest are on backorder.
Finished stitching! Now to iron it and add the buttons, then decide on framing. Fabric is actually white!

And here it is finished in a small metal tub with some nesting material.
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