Occasionally the gals on the 123 Message Board point other stitchers to free cross stitch charts that are offered for our stitching pleasure. Here are some of the sites that offer legal free charts.
Better Cross Stitch
Better Cross Stitch – Cross stitch tips, articles and links. Free cross stitch patterns. One of the designs I particularly liked was one called Chrysanthemum and is pictured below:
Fabric: 14 count
Stitches: 300 x 230
Size: 21 3/8 x 16 3/8 in
Colors: 59 DMC colors
The charts are in pdf format and are available to print in either black and white or color. Personally, I prefer black and white as they are easier on my eyes. Take the time to explore that many different subjects that are offered.
EMS Cross Stitch Design
Ellen Maurer-Stroh is another designer who offers some free charts that I love. Her Project 2010 – Flower of the Month pictured below is a particular favorite.
You will need to register before you can download the free charts. Again, you can print them in either black and white or color. These are available in three different formats – pdf, PAT for PC Stitch and zipped for machine.
Brooks Books Publishing
Brook Nolen of Brooks Books Publishing offer a series called Advent Animals. The series consists of 25 little animals that can be stitched individually as ornaments or as a calendar. Use your imagination. As of today, 15 have been released. You can download any or all of them. You can see the first six pictured below.
Jardin Prive
Jardin Prive is a French designer who offers some beautiful designs for us to stitch. One of my favorites is offered in five parts as a Stitch A Long La Pensée Positive which is pictured below.
There are 5 separate charts available in several languages including English available for download as pdf’s.