I am not sure now how I discovered this SAL (Stitch-a-Long) but decided to participate. It was described as:
If you’d like to stitch a cross-stitch sampler that’s inspired by the global needlework heritage, this SAL is for you! There are 36 squares arranged in a grid, featuring a variety of motifs that are reminiscent of traditional folk designs from around the world. Each week, the chart for a new square will be released. You can stitch the sampler in monochrome, in four-color and two-color versions, or in any color combination that you like.
Cliffside Stitches Cross-Stitch Tiles SAL | Facebook

I joined the group and downloaded the various files to try and decide how to stitch this and what colors to use. I really do not have room on my walls for a large piece and this piece measures 229 x 229 which on 14ct fabric would be 16 3/8 x 16 3/8. Even on 16ct, it would be large 14 3/8 x 14 3/8. I made the decision to stitch them as individual blocks in solid colors (one color for each block.) A decorative frame was also included that you could use with each of the individual tiles. Since I have a very large collection of Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe floss, I decided to use that for each block. Perhaps the theme I will use is Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer with the colors that bring to mind each season.
If you are not on Facebook, you can still join the Stitch-Alongs – Cliffside Stitches.
Tile 1: I am stitching this one on 14ct Fiddler’s Lite using Autumn in Vermont, a very bright reddish orange. This one took slightly over 5 yards of floss.

Tile 2: Stitched on 14ct Fiddler’s Lite with VMSS Golden Squash.

Tile #3 stitched on 16ct Fiddlers Lite with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe floss Brick Red which is the color of rich red wine.

Tile #4 stitched on 14ct Opalescent white aida with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Christmas Red and Traditional Christmas Green.

Tile #5 stitched on 14ct Opalescent white aida with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe rim Valentine and Hearth and Home.

Tile #6 stitched on 14ct Opalescent white aida with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Christmas Red and Glorious Gold.

Tiles 4, 5, and 6 are going to be finished as flat Christmas ornaments with fabric on the back and twisted cording around the edges and as the hanger. I am using the tutorials by Vonna Pfeiffer, The Twisted Stitcher. How to Make Cording and Flat Ornament

Tiles 4, 5, and 6 I have away as Christmas gifts so will need to stitch them again for me.
And the first three tiles in the series stitched in Autumn colors were finished as small pin pillows to be displayed in one of the dough bowls.

Tile #7 – stitched on 14ct white aida using Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Mint Swirl floss.

Tile #9 – stitched on 14ct white aida using Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Dipped in Purple floss.

Tile #10 – stitched on 14ct White aida using Pearsall’s silk floss Goblin Green and Indian Pink. This is the first and the last time I will use this floss.

Tile #11 stitched on 14ct uses Color and Cotton Flagstone floss.

Tile #12 stitched on 14ct white aida using Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Wild Azure floss.

Tile #13 stitched on14ct white aida using Color and Cotton Clay.

Tile #14 – stitched on 14ct white aida using Au Ver a Soie 1003 #109 and Soie d Alger #5025.

Tile #15 stitched on 14ct cream aida using Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Tropical Orchid. Lady Dot Finishing kit was called Faded Violets.

Tile #16 using 14ct cream aida with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Frog Prince. Lady Dot Finishing kit called a Little Sparkle.

Tile #17 on 14ct cream aida using VMSS Ocean and Lady Dot Tidal Pool.

Tile #18 using 14ct cream aida with VMSS Stitching Parlor and Lady Dot Green Green Grass of Home.

Tile #35
I am not going to stitch these in any particular order, so Tile #35 is stitched on 20ct white aida over 2 using Au Ver A Soie – Soie d’Alger 1714 Bleu Henri II that was a gift from a fellow stitcher. It was a dream to stitch with. I’ll eventually finish it as a small pillow or ornament.

You are off to a good start, Pat! Are you going to be stitching them on one fabric or will you be stitching the blocks individually? Thank you so much for providing the link to the non-Facebook site.
Robin, I am going to stitch them as separate tiles as I really don’t have the space to hang a piece as big as this one will be. I will eventually finish them as small pin pillows and group them according to seasons, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer and maybe Christmas. With 36 total, I have a lot of choices.