The newest offering from Barb and Alma of Blackbird Designs is quite different from their usual designs BUT I LOVE IT! Frosty’s Night Out is stitched on 36ct. Murky by Picture This Plus, and uses Weeks Dye Works floss. The chart should be available at you local needlework shop or online shop after Thanksgiving.
Recommended Floss: Weeks Dye Works
- Aztec Red /Christmas Red
- Cadet / Country Blue
- Grits / /Primitive White
- Light Khaki /Country Tan
- Marmalade / Squash Blossom
- Olive / Memory Quilt
- Onyx / Dark Steel Gray
- Oscar / Mountain Laurel
- Schneckley /Victoriana Gold
- Whitewash /Primitive White
- DMC 310
- DMC 948
I have chosen to use a piece of 16ct Mercedes Aida from Picture This Plus that I had in my stash. I am also using Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe floss rather than what is called for.
Now to decide on how to finish it.