Handprint on My Heart by Heartstring Samplery was first released as a kit as part of the Ladies Prim Society. It has now been released as a chart and available to everyone. The verse reads “You’ll always be with me, like a handprint on my heart.”
I decided I would like to stitch this in memory of my oldest son who had died just after his 50th birthday. I had a piece of light blue Aida which I decided to use and the floss I used was Seafoam from Victorian Motto Samplers. The back of the piece has his initials and the year he was born.
I was very happy with how the finished piece turned out and have sent it off to have it finished as a small pillow. I think I will be a memory basket of small pillow type finishes for folks I love and miss.
I decided to send these off to The Twisted Stitcher (Vonna Pfeiffer) for finishing and look what she did. I LOVE THEM!!