I saw I See Red as a preview of new designs being offered at the Nashville 2020 Needlework Market from The Scarlett House and KNEW I just HAD to stitch it. I pre-ordered the chart along with quite a few others. If I had realized how much over one stitching there was, I may not have been so eager to stitch it. I also ordered the butter board that is is shown displayed on from Homestead Needleworke. The butter board is designed to fit a piece stitched on 32/36ct fabric.

Once I saw how much over 1 stitching there was, I decided I would need to use 28ct Monaco (white) as that is all I can see well enough to stitch on. Rather than the recommended Classic Colorworks Cherry Cobbler floss, I chose to use Autumn Glow by Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe. It is a beautiful variegated rust orange color dark to lighter.

I started stitching this one on May 3, 2020.

There are three rows of alphabets plus numerous motifs that are stitched over one so I will not be stitching this one until it is finished. My eyes will need a rest in between. But I do love it.
Finished Stitching: May 8, 2020. Not sure how I am going to finish it as it is too big for the butter board I bought.

August 2021 – The original butter board I ordered from Homestead Needleworke did not fit as I needed to use a larger count fabric so April sent me one for 14/28 count which was the perfect size. Now how to do the rounded corners. Thanks to advice from my Facebook stitching friends I was able to cut the mat board with rounded corners. I watched Cathy Wurtz Haberman’s flosstube tutorial #57 to figure out exactly how to make the rounded corners smooth when lacing. The corners or a bit thicker than I would like but I am happy with the finished piece for the first time trying this finish.

It is looking fabulous, Pat! I really like the thread color you chose..