Kindred Spirits was an exclusive release of the Country Sampler Soul Sister’s Club in 2017. It has never been released to everyone. It is not a chart I had in my collection, but a generous stitcher offered to loan it to me.

The recommended fabric was 36ct Oaken by Picture This Plus, but I chose a piece of 16ct Doubloon by Picture This Plus. I am using the recommended floss (WDW Cognac, Flatfish and Onyx) but two strands rather than one.

The stitching is finished. Not sure if I will finish it as a drum or frame it. I added the initials of Jim and his five daughters (Anne, Laetitia, Martha, Leslie, Ellen) in green and me with my two sons (Michael, Frank) in the brown. Love the way it turned out.
I decided to finish this as a drum and turned to Vonna Epperson Pfeiffer’s excellent tutorials. There is one for drum finishing in the Punch Needle and Primitive Stitcher magazine Summer 2022 issue. I also used her twisted cording tutorials. I need more practice sewing on the trim.