I have to give another stitcher, Anna Williamson, the credit for this marvelous idea.
I wanted to find some way to provide some history on the samplers I stitch in case someone is interested after I pass (probably won’t be but it’s a positive thought). I found some 3 x 5 adhesive pockets and some printable 3 x 5 index cards to print information about all of my framed pieces. The pockets can be attached to the back where they can’t be seen if it’s a piece submitted for judging.
I checked on Amazon and found just what I was looking for so ordered them – Juvale 3×5 self-adhesive Index Card Pockets. Rather than order the Printable 3×5 index card sheets, I created a Word document using a table with four cells and margins that made each cell approximately 3×5.

All you have to do is peel off the backing and add it to the back of your stitched piece. You could also the person you would like the piece to go to once you depart this Earth.

Great idea! If I look around, I just may have some of these. I used to use them on the front of file folders when I worked to record the contents of the folder.
What a cool idea! I have seen people use the ‘old’ library cards where it was stamped to return your book. I think I like this idea better.
That is a really good idea! Thanks for sharing!