Moonlight Visitor by Blackbird Designs is #9 in the Anniversaries of the Heart series. It is copyright 2010. I have had it kitted up for some time.

I chose a piece of 16ct aida in a mottled tan color to stitch it on and used all of the called for colors. Since the date in the upper left hand corner was to be stitched over one, I used back stitching since there was not enough space to stitch it using aida.

I added my Little brother’s initials (Leonard Eugene Little) to this one. I will probably mount it on one of the boards I have.

The board is from Michaels and I added twisted cording around the edge. Tutorial for Twisted cording is courtesy of Vonna Pfeiffer, The Twisted Stitcher.
The fabric looks to be blue! I assume you love stitching on Aida. Do you ever stitch on linen? I’m curious about your choice of fabric.
What a lovely finish, Pat! Have a wonderful last week in February.
No fabric is not blue. It’s actually a mottled tan color. It is just the way the piece photographed. I have stitched on linen a few times but really do not like it. I think it is the uneven thickness of the threads I don’t like. Because I have poor eyesight, it is easier on my eyes if I use aida.