Spell of the Moon by Blackbird Designs was first released in 2014 as a Reward of Merit Pinkeep. It was reprinted in 2020 and included in the book, Winds of Autumn.

While I have had it in my collection for some time, I had never stitched it. After seeing a number of finished projects posted in various cross stitch Facebook groups, I decided to kit it up and add it to my already numerous WIP’s (Works in Progress). I chose a piece of mottled gray 16ct aida (Storm by Fabrics by Stephanie) I had in my stash and two shades of gray floss from Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe (Sleep Potion (dark) and Forever Bewitched (light) along with the called for Gentle Arts Harvest Moon. I did not like the Pelican Gray that was called for so changed it to Forever Bewitched.

And here is the finished stitched piece along with the finishing materials.

Now to fully finish it as a small pin pillow.
I decided to try a different method for sewing the pillow front and back together and leave the top opened so I could add poly pellets to give the pillow some weight. Filled the dang thing with pellets and then went to distribute them more evenly into the corners. A slight squeeze and those little buggers went flying everywhere. A few choice words as I gathered up the tiny little things then finished stuffing with polyfill. After sewing on the rick rack I can only say that it is a good things I don’t do this professionally. Now this one can join the others in one of the various dough bowls.

This is a darling stitch, Pat. I love your fabric choice.