Sunflowers in Summer is a chart by Country Cottage Needleworks. The chart is dated 2011 but I bought the fabric, floss and chart in April 2014. It has languished in the “To Do Pile” until October 2018.
The suggested fabric was 30ct Cocoa Linen by Weeks Dye Works. I chose to stitch it on 14ct Mushroom Aida using the recommended colors:
- DMC 434
- DMC 436
- DMC 3031
- DMC White
- Crescent Colors Sunflower
- Gentle Arts Baby Spinach
- Weeks Dye Works Dried Sage
Stitch Count: 143w x 143 high which made the stitched area 10 1/4 x 10 1/4 on 14ct.
As I progressed with my stitching, the lettering for the words, sunflowers and summer was too light so I added Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe Olde Gold to the CC Sunflower for the lettering.
Started stitching: October 20, 2018
Finished Stitching: November 6, 2018
Now to decide on how to finish it.
UPDATE: June 2019
I decided to have this one finished as a flatfold. Didn’t The Twisted Stitcher, Vonna Epperson Pfeiffer, do a wonderful job of finishing it?

You made fast progress! I love the sunflowers 🙂