When This You See by Blackbird Designs was offered in 2017 as a UNICEF Fundraiser by Gigi R. It is now OOP. The chart called for Picture This Plus Lupine fabric which I ordered in 16ct aida rather than the called for 32ct which I can not see well enough to stitch on. I also ordered some of the finishing fabric At Home (#2792-14 and 2790-14) also by Blackbird Designs.
The recommended floss is: Classic Colorworks Dublin Bay, Colonial Rose, Caramel, Gingerbread, and Ye Olde Gold.

I knew when the fabric arrived I could not see well enough to stitch on it so stuck it in a drawer. Fast forward to 2021 and I posted in the Fans of Blackbird Designs Facebook group to see if someone would be willing to stitch it for me and finish it in return for fabrics to stitch and finish one for herself. Shelley Heigert volunteered to help me. I absolutely love her stitching and finishing.

Her work is beautiful. Glad you were able to get it finished.