I saw ye old crow sampler posted in one of the Facebook groups and knew I had to stitch it. The chart is by Heart in Hand needleart and comes with three tiny black buttons. I went looking for the perfect fabric to stitch this one and decided on rust/brown 5 offered by Kimberly Smith at To Dye for Fabrics.
Stitch Count: 73w x 72h
Recommended Fabric: 32ct Autumn Field Vintage Belfast linen
Recommended Floss: Weeks Dye Works Onyx (2 skeins)
Started Stitching: November 24, 2018
Finished Stitching: November 30, 2018
Still needs to be ironed and the tiny buttons sewn on and then I will decide how to finish it. The actual stitched piece is about 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″
Apparently, I forgot about the tiny buttons before I finished this one. Decided to use Vonna Pfeiffer, The Twisted Stitcher’s tutorial on a mounted flat ornament to finish this one. Happy with it although I may add some trim around the edge of the stitched piece once I feel safe shopping again.

Well done! I really like the fabric you chose for this piece. How do you like the fabric from To Dye For Fabrics? Does it have a stiff or soft hand to it?
I love her fabrics. And the fact that the picture shows them against the DMC thread chart so that you can actually check the color if you have the chart or the threads. Soft and easy to work with.